Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Tonight, Tonight

Friday at Cabaret Summer School, 2014.

Our performance is tonight.

At last I've managed to get a full eight hours' sleep, and I'm feeling well-rested.

I relax at my table, as my fellow performers start presenting their songs.  During Julie's song "I'll be there for you", she leaps off the stage, settles into a chair and continues singing to a small group.  I feel a surge of good feelings.

I decide to enjoy this day to the full.  When I wake up tomorrow morning the Summer School will be over.

I'm not nervous.  I sing my new song "Listen to Your Heart", stripped down to its best lyrics.  The song works well.  We have a bit of a laugh about the huge scar on my chest - I am in the habit of showing people "the tip of my trophy".

April sings "Time Heals Everything".  She is grieving for a friend who passed away, and has trouble singing the line "but loving you".  She tries various strategies, but the thing that finally works is putting a smile on her face, and she sings it beautifully.

At lunchtime we pack up and head down the road to The Promethean theatre, where we will perform tonight.  Everyone has ten minutes to run through their segment.

Watch video of "Listen to Your Heart"

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